1804                 Documents in Year 1805                      1806

Links of Interest:

  • Thomas Jefferson, Third U.S. President

  • (1801-1809)

  • Westward Expansion / American Frontier:

  • "Lewis and Clark led by Shoshone guide Sacagawea leave their shelter Fort Mandan (Future North Dakota) in spring 1805. President Jefferson is curious about any new flora or fauna they may find. Lewis and Clark identify over 300 new plants and animals on their scientific expedition including the Big Horn Sheep and Grizzly Bear. Clark produces a stunningly accurate map using dead reckoning. In August 1805 Lewis and Clark are ambushed by an unknown tribe. The tribal leader is Sacagawea's long lost brother. She had been captured by another tribe when she was eleven years old. The Shoshone tribe welcomed Lewis and Clark and sold them 28 horses. Lewis and Clark offered for her to stay with her people, but she wanted to stay with them. They reach the Rocky Mountains by 1 September 1805 and begin their the most grueling part of their journey for 28 days. They eat their pack horses to survive and only travel ten miles a day. When their food supply runs out they eat candles made from animal fat to stay alive. One month later the expedition reaches the Columbia River (modern day Oregon) and finally reach the Pacific Ocean on 15 Nov 1805 after traveling more than 4,000 miles. They build a fort they name Fort Clatsop (Oregon Country) near the coastline claiming the land for the U.S."

    "Back East in Indiana Territory the Small Pox epidemic continues with devestating effect killing thousands of Shawnee in 1805. Tecumseh's brother has a vision of going back to old ways and neighboring tribes come to hear him. Tecumseh suggests a Pan-Indian Homeland next door to the United States from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River Delta. Tecumseh goes on tour in the frontier to raise an Army of Native Americans to protect their land."


    The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen

    "This 2018 four-episode, high-quality documentary offered on Amazon Prime or the History Channel is well worth watching. The episode titled "Never Surrender" covers the time period from 1792-1812 which includes the Lewis and Clark Expedition and Shawnee Tecumseh's fight against American settlers."

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    This 2004 MUSE Award Winning Website was created to celebrate the bicentennial (200 years) anniversary of the Corps of Discovery's Journey across America!

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