1803                 Documents in Year 1804                      1805

Links of Interest:

  • America's Founding Primary Source Documents:

  • 1804 - Amendment XII in the Bill of Rights - the process for voting for President and Vice President of the U.S.

  • Thomas Jefferson, Third U.S. President

  • (1801-1809)

  • Westward Expansion / American Frontier:

  • "Lewis and Clark will lead 45 men west past the boundaries of known civilization. On 21 May 1804 with about 60,000 pounds of gear Lewis and Clark head west from  St. Louis. Their plan is to use the Missouri River as a highway following it as far as possible. By early winter Lewis and Clark are stalled in what is present day North Dakota. They have come less than 1,000 miles from St. Louis. They set up a shelter they called Fort Mandan.  It attracts traders and trappers. In November they meet a French-Canadian trapper and his 17 year old Shoshone wife named Sacagawea and her baby. Having a woman with a baby in their party was a universal sign that they came in peace. They wait out the winter at Fort Mandan."

    Meanwhile, 1,000 miles east in Indiana Territory a Small Pox epidemic ravages Native American tribes like the Shawnee, led by Tecumseh. His plan to resist westward expansion is thwarted temporarily.


    The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen

    "This 2018 four-episode, high-quality documentary offered on Amazon Prime or the History Channel is well worth watching. The episode titled "Never Surrender" covers the time period from 1792-1812 which includes the Lewis and Clark Expedition and Shawnee Tecumseh's fight against American settlers."

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    This 2004 MUSE Award winning website was created to celebrate the bicentennial (200 years) anniversary of the Corps of Discovery's Journey across America!

  • Russian settlement in Sitka, Alaska known as Russian America.
    BBC Atlas of the Natural World North America "The First and Last Frontier."

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