1787                 Documents in Year 1788                      1789

Links of Interest:

  • America's Founding Primary Source Documents:

  • The U.S. Constitution was written in the summer of 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by delegates from 12 states, in order to replace the Articles of Confederation with a new form of government. It created a federal system with a national government composed of three separated powers (Executive, Judicial, Legislative), and included both reserved and concurrent powers of states. See the Federalist Papers, which James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay wrote to convince the colonies to sign the Constitution. It took until 1790 for all 13 colonies to accept The Constitution.

  • Statehood

    Georgia (4 of 50 States) Admitted 2 January 1788

  • Connecticut (5 of 50 States) Admitted 9 January 1788

    Massachusetts (6 of 50 States) Admitted 6 February 1788

    Maryland (7 of 50 States) Admitted 28 April 1788

    South Carolina (8 of 50 States) Admitted 22 May 1788

    New Hampshire (9 of 50 States) Admitted 21 June 1788

    Virginia (10 of 50 States) Admitted 25 June 1788

    New York (11 of 50 States) Admitted 26 July 1788

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