1766                 Documents in Year 1767                      1768

Links of Interest:

  • King George III, British Monarch over American Colonies

  • The Townshend Duties

    Source: Barbier, Brooke. Boston in the American Revolution: A Town Versus an Empire. Charleston: The History Press, 2017.

    "Charles Townshend, the member of Parliament who proposed the plan - required colonists to pay taxes on imported British goods, including tea, glass, paper and clothing. These duties were passed for the same reasons that the Sugar and Stamp Acts were: to pay for the cost of running the North American Empire. Parliament sent new customs officials to Boston (Barbier, 50, 53)."

    "Massachusetts wasted little time opposing the Townshend Duties, with the House of Representatives petitioning the king for their repeal. James Otis Jr., Samuel Adams and John Hancock helped draft the petition (Barbier, 51)."

  • Education:

    First American medical school to grant the M.D. degree

  • at Kings College, now Columbia University, see 1769 for next event...

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