1763                 Documents in Year 1764                      1765

Links of Interest:

  • King George III, British Monarch over American Colonies

  • American Duties Act (The Sugar Act)

    Source: Barbier, Brooke. Boston in the American Revolution: A Town Versus an Empire. Charleston: The History Press, 2017.

    British Prime Minister George Grenville proposed to Parliament a three penny tax on foreign molasses in the American Colonies, which passed in 1764. "Under the new law, the British Navy was now empowered to seize any ship believed to skirt paying its taxes. A portion of the contraband went to the customs officer who seized the haul greatly incentivizing them to capture more ships (Barbier, 23)."

    Boston had twenty rum distilleries in the two-mile town. "The Sugar Act would impact Massachusetts more than other colonies." Bostonians wrote letters to Parliament (Barbier, 24).

  • Education:

    College of Rhode Island, now Brown University Founded

  • see 1766 for next event...

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