1732                 Documents in Year 1733                      1734

Links of Interest:

  • State of Georgia established, last of the 13 colonies

  • "The proprietor of the Georgia Colony, James Edward Oglethorpe disembarks in Charleston, South Carolina, accompanied by 130 prospective colonists. Oglethorpe also brings with him the new Georgia charter. Georgia is the last of the original 13 colonies to be established." The city of Savannah is founded.
    The Almanac of American History by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Brompton: CT 1993. (p. 83)

  • Molasses Act Passed 17 May 1733

  • "The English Parliament passes the Molasses Act which sets heavy duties on all molasses, rum and sugar imported to the American colonies from Caribbean islands other than those under British control. The purpose of this act is to protect English West Indies planters from foreign competition."
    The Almanac of American History by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Brompton: CT 1993. (p. 83)

    Paying off the customs officials to avoid the tax became normal practice. Smuggling became common place for 30 years until the British Parliament incentivized the customs officials by giving them power in 1764 through the American Duties Act (The Sugar Act) to use the British Navy to seize any ship believed to be smuggling and keep a portion of the contraband for themselves. Source: Barbier, Brooke. Boston in the American Revolution: A Town Versus an Empire. Charleston: The History Press, 2017. (p. 23)

  • Influenza Epidemic in American colonies

  • "An influenza epidemic rages through New York City and Philadelphia."
    The Almanac of American History by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Brompton: CT 1993. (p. 83)


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