Charlie Boone Road, Cedar Creek
Reservoir, Crab Orchard
Lincoln County, Kentucky
Kentucky Dept. of Transportation
Historical Site
List of Interments
John W. Holms / 1850-1922
Sacred in / Memory of / Ephriam
Pennington / Holmes / Born June 2, 1841 / Died September 3, 1872 / son
of / Samuel & / Eliza Holmes / Never shall I forget / those eyes that
beamed so kind / so full of love / and whilst I gaze upon / the skies /
/ me think I hear thy / your voice so sweet / great upon my ear as
“song” it did / O god prepare me soon to meet / that lovely form that’s
from me ---? / what to us is life without thee / Darkness and despair
alone; / when with signs we seek to find thee / this tomb proclaims that
thou are / gone.
Samuel Holmes / Born August 26, 1814
/ died August 4, 1872
Morgan VardemanBorn December 16th
1767 / Died July 30, 1847
William Vardeman / Born June 5th
1807 / Died July 12th 1846
Sacred / In memory of / Polly
Vardeman / Born April 1, 1781 (or 1761) / Married to Morgan Vardeman /
January 28, 1792 / Departed this life / October 1? 1844
Martha A. Stephenson / was Born June
6th 1828 / Departed this life July 15 / 1844
Sacred in Memory of / John R. Davis / Born November 10, 1850 / Died August 2, 1852 / 2nd son of
John & Malinda Davis and grandson of Morgan & Polly Vardaman
____ Stephenson
Was Born Mar 1841 / Departed this life / Dec 1841
Willie T./ Son of T.J. & M. E.
Christerson / Born / Oct 18, 1872 / Died / Mar 29 1873 / Farewell Sweet
John Christopher / second son of /
Jeremiah & Polly Vardaman / Born April 18, 1833 / Died Oct. 16, 1849
Second son of / Samuel & Elizabeth
Holmes / Born July 26 / 1843 / Died Aug 11, 1843
Sacred / In Memory of / Polly
Vardeman / Born April 25, 1808 / Married to Jeremiah Vardeman March 12,
1829 / Died March 12, 1842 / 1st Daughter of / Jesse &
Elizabeth Coffee
Hannah E. Stephenson / Born / March
21 1821 (18??) Departed this life / ___?
Infant daughter / of L. & Ann E.
Stephenson / Born without life 1837
Hannah B. Stephenson / Born / Sept
20, 1821 / died / Dec 22, 1861
Eliza E. Stephenson / Born / Oct 15,
1839 / Died / May 16, 1862 / Side by side thou are gently / sleeping
David M. Stephenson / Born / April
15, 1819 / Died / April 24, 1863
Anne E. Stephenson / was born Dec
28, 1810 / Departed this life / March 20th, 1846
Our Father / Lindsay Stephenson /
Born / March 25, 1792 / Died / February 10, 1870