Daniel Boone Pathfinder, 1734 – 1820

Portrayed by: Scott New

Living History Presenter

Kentucky Humanities Council


Daniel Boone played a crucial role in the exploration and settlement of Kentucky and the American west.  By the time of is death, Boone had become a legend, and so he remains.  But much of what Americans think they know about Dan iel Boone is off the mark.  Neither a backwoods bumpkin nor an epic slayer of Indians, Boone was an intrepid explorer and natural leader whose actual exploits amply justify his larger-than-life reputations. 

Boone first seriously explored Kentucky in 1769.  In 1775 he led the expedition that founded Boonesborough in present-day Madison County .  John Vardeman was one of the original twenty “experienced backwoodsmen” to accompany Boone on this epic journey from the starting point at Sycamore Shoals on the Watauaga River .  Boone and his company of men were instrumental in defending Fort Boonesborough against the Indians.

But by 1783 he was in Limestone (now Maysville) running a trading post.  He moved east to the Kanawha Valley (now West Virginia ), then back to Kentucky .  Finally, in 1799 his land lost due to legal technicalities, Boone moved to Missouri .  He died there in 1820.  What are believed to be the bodies of Boone and his wife were removed to Kentucky and re-interred in Frankfort Cemetery in 1845. 

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